BMT&E offers the services of a Certified Manufacturing/Registered Professional Engineer
with over thirty five years experience in the following areas:
Services Offered:
Areas of Experience:
- Cost Justifications for Equipment Purchases
- Machine Foundations and Rigging
- Product Machining Consulting; Special Machines
- Plant and Equipment/ Utilities Layout
- Proper Equipment Evaluation for a particular process
- Detailed Routing Processes/ MRP Implementation
- Process/Manufacturing Methods Improvement
- Machining and Inspection Fixtures
- Welding and Assembly Fixtures
- Plastics Material Handling Layout
- Tooling, General Engineering Services
- Agricultural equipment
- Off-road heavy duty trucks
- Construction equipment
- Railroad locomotive components
- Military components
- Medical equipment.
For a list of industrial manufacturing and machining tools, or items we are looking to purchase,
please visit our companion site:
For More Information:
Bull's Eye Machine Tools & Equipment
117 S. E. Bordner
Lee's Summit, MO 64063-3350
(816) 246-5188
Fax: (816) 246-7022
Copyright 2008, Rossini Management Systems, Inc.